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Workday should face lawsuit alleging its AI screening tool is biased, EEOC argues

An individual alleged the company’s software catered to the prejudicial preferences of the employer-client, according to…

4 tips for second-chance hiring

Employing inclusive HR practices and working with community partners can help businesses looking to hire formerly…

Manufacturing could be short 1.9M workers if the talent gap isn’t fixed

Companies need millions of workers in production and tech roles, a Deloitte and Manufacturing Institute study…

Ikea embarks on companywide AI literacy initiative

Ikea workers can take a variety of courses, such as AI fundamentals and specialized training around…

HR is often left out of AI strategic planning, report says

But HR plays a key role in ensuring responsible adoption of AI takes place, according to…

Staffing firm BaronHR pays $2.2M to settle claims it acquiesced to biased client requests

The company steered candidates toward certain positions based on sex and rejected certain applicants based on…

Drexel exec with PTSD alleges mandatory Zoom meeting violated ADA

The plaintiff’s manager allegedly refused her request to meet by phone instead to discuss a complaint…

Companies have an unbalanced ‘buy vs. build’ approach to AI, report says

Instead, leaders will need to train current workers to avoid skills gaps and maximize the potential…

Feds expand upskilling program with Pathways rule

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management started the internship and fellowship program in 2012 to strengthen…

Men disproportionately benefit from on-site work, says Lean In

One executive weighs in on return-to-office pros and cons, across gender lines, as well as proximity…